
Raw squat

warm up Squat (no belt, no sleeves) bar x 5 135 x 8 185 x 8 225 2 x 8 245 x 8 275 x 5 185 2 x 6 med-wide stance Deadlift rack ; 315 3 x 10 assistants single leg RDLs 4 x 10 split squats 3 x 12 hypers 3 x 15 Read More »


oly + Plyos

warm up dynamic stretching Cleans 135 5 x 3 155 2 x 2 hang cleans 180 3 x 5 jerks bar x 2 95 x 2 135 5 x 2 plyometrics box jumps double leg 3 x 10 single leg (ea.) x 8 bounds 2 x 20m single leg hops 2 x 20m med ball Read More »


Raw squat and deadlift

warm up dynamic stretch Squat bar x 5 135 x 5 185 x 5 225 2 x 6 275 2 x 4 300 3 x 3 drop set w/ med. wide stance 185 2 x 5 Deadlift-sumo; rack pull 315 x 3 405 x 3 441 6 x 2 assistants RDLs 3 x 10 good Read More »

IPF approved fees 2015 part 2

Hello all, First I want to thank all who are participated in this previous discussion and expressed their views heretofore. > IPF approved fees 2015 part 1 We have got very much feedback for this issue. Also IPF has reacted now first time. The secretary of the IPF has resigned. He was handling that issue Read More »

IPF approved fees 2015 part 1

Hello all lifters and METAL gear dealers. The METAL has manufactured the IPF approved powerlifting gear for over ten years. Every year we have paid the IPF approval fees and that is the reason why the prices of IPF approved gear are so high. In 2014 we paid about 17.000 EUR for the IPF. Now Read More »


Raw Bench Training

warm up Bench (alternating wide & med. grips) bar x 6 95 2 x 6 135 2 x 6 155 2 x 6 165 2 x 6 145 2 x 5 pause assistants flies 4 x 10 strict press 4 x 10 snatch grip behind neck press 4 x 10 bicep curls 3 x 24 lateral Read More »


competition! Yes … I again took part in the competition in my city to the last was hoping that everything will be fine. My weight was 65 kg. We came to the competition with the team. Began to warm up. It was very cold. We are a very long time to warm up, _ using Read More »