IPF approved fees 2015 part 1
Hello all lifters and METAL gear dealers.
The METAL has manufactured the IPF approved powerlifting gear for over ten years. Every year we have paid the IPF approval fees and that is the reason why the prices of IPF approved gear are so high. In 2014 we paid about 17.000 EUR for the IPF.
Now the RAW powerlifting is coming up and also IPF is organizing RAW competitions, so they want money also from singlets, belts, knee sleeves, etc, which the lifters must use also in RAW liftings. Also IPF has raised now all approval fees of powerlifting gear a lot. If we want that all of our IPF gear are approved in 2015, we must pay 41.000 EUR in next year. That is ok for us, but we must add the approval fees for the prices of the gear, so the prices will going up a lot.
In addition if we want add the belts to the approved list, total will be about 50.000 EUR (about $65,000). All new shirts or suits cost 10.000 EUR / model.
Now we want to know what you, all lifters and dealers think about this issue? All feedback are welcome. Now we want to talk about this. Is there any sence that this sport will come so expensive for the lifters? You can write for this page or send me a private message (ano@gometal.com).
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