Julia Vins box squat

Box Squat with bands

Box Squat with bands 20 kg*12 30 kg*5 40 kg*5 50 kg*5 50 kg*3 67 kg + over 60 kg bands *2* 8 sets hyperextension ABS standard deadlift 80 kg*1 100 kg*1 110 kg*1 120 kg*1

Julia Vins squat

Squat and light deadlift

Squat 20 kg*12 30 kg*12 40 kg*5 50 kg*5 60 kg*3 70 kg*3 80 kg*3 90 kg*3 10 kg*2 110 kg*2 115 kg*2 gear 120 kg*2 130 kg*2 140 kg*2 153 kg*2 153 kg*3*3 deadlift 50 kg*5 80 kg*1 110 kg*1 135 kg*1*6 sets


Oli meidän ensimmäinen kerta, mutta ei viimeinen, Bakussa, olimme kuulleet, että kaupunki on mahtava ja se on totta, Baku on mielenkiintoinen ja vielä kauniimpi kuin luulimme. Kilpailupaikka, 5 tähden Kempinski Hotel Badamdar Spa-ja konferenssikeskus oli hieno, kaikki ihmiset ystävällisiä ja palvelu erinomaista. Aladdin Aliev ja hänen henkilökuntansa tekivät valtavan työn, kiitos heille ja myös erityiset Read More »


It was our first time, but not the last, in Baku, we had heard that the City is awesome and it is true, Baku is interesting and even more beautiful than we thought. The competition place, 5 stars Kempinski Hotel Badamdar Spa and conference center was excellent, all people kind and service fantastic. Aladdin Aliev Read More »


European Championships, Baku 2014

My experience! We landed in Baku, Azerbaijan one week ago. The city was beautiful and the people very welcoming! It was so great to see old friends and meet so many new people! The day of weigh ins, I went to the 24 hr weigh-in and made the 82.5lb class! This was my first time Read More »

terrible news…….

Tonight died my best friend… because of the negligence of the people who are engaged in road works. They are not completed bridge and do not put signs indicating an precipice. My friend Michael did not notice precipice and fell into it with a sportbike. He was only 17 years old…. He was a world champion IPF.  In 15 years Read More »

Accommodating resistance for raw squats

Most people into powerlifting these days know about the popular methods of Westside Barbell for increasing the total in multiply powerlifting gear. Accommodating resistance is one of the most often used methods by the famous club. The differences that powerlifting equipment bring to the lifts has created much confusion with people interested in the method Read More »

Box Squat with chains

Squat and deadlift

Squat with chains RAW 20 kg*12 40 kg*5 52 kg*5 72 kg*5 82 kg*3 92 kg*3 102 kg*3 122 kg*2 132 kg*2 142 kg*2 152 kg*1 Deadlift 110 kg*1 130 kg*1 140 kg*1 150 kg*1 155 kg*1 Biceps curl