
Yes … I again took part in the competition in my city to the last was hoping that everything will be fine.

My weight was 65 kg.
We came to the competition with the team. Began to warm up. It was very cold. We are a very long time to warm up, _ using the warming cream, but nothing helped and legs would not work.

I came to the platform to measure the height of the racks and suddenly realized. The pavement is slippery!

I squat sumo.
I went to the organizer to resolve this issue. He shuffled his feet on the platform and said that everything perfectly.

the first attempt to squat 180
I got up, but during lifting my legs parted to the side (as they say in Russia, “like a cow on ice”)

I started very worried and angry. 195 kg. took off, and threw the bar over my head. stupid insurers saw that I needed help, but probably expected that I will tear off my head.

at the third attempt I put my feet much narrower and not rise.

bench press 105 kg, torn off ass from the bench.
the second 105 kg weight taken
for unknown reasons on attempt 110 kg barbell gone to head.

Many lift in sumo. The organizer assured me that the platform is not slippery. But in the deadlift Put  the carpet! is weird, huh?

160 first attempt, I was used “lift, fix and delete” but to my regret the judge decided to to admire me a little longer , (only 3 seconds 😀 ), and I began to to omit without a command. weight is not taken

second attempt: 160 kg repeated easily

coach set me the task to perform standard “Russian elite”
I was forced to go to attempt 180
I’ve done more in training, but in these conditions understood that it is impossible
180 third attempt – the weight is not taken.

only in some competitions in which I participated was a good organization and equipment – World Cup AWPC.
but to our great regret coming year I will compete only in the my city. it depresses me. but I decided to make their own organizer to create normal conditions, I hope I will succeed..