Raw squat and deadlift

warm up Squat- safety bar (raw) bar x 8 180lb x 8 230lb x 8 270lb x 8 320lb x 5 medium wide stance (to work on weakness) 230lb 3 x 6 Deadlift- rack; sumo stance 225lb x 3 315lb x 3 405lb 2 x 2 441lb 5 x 2 assistants RDLs 30DB 2 x 12; Read More »


Raw bench

warm up Bench bar x 5 95 x 8 135 2 x 8 155 2 x 8 165 2 x 8 185 2 x 3 155 2 x 5 w/ pause assistants DB flies 3 x 12 incline DB press 3 x 10 one arm row w/ 70lb DB 3 x 10 bicep curls 2 Read More »


Raw Squat

warm up dynamic stretching Squat bar 135 2 x 6 175 2 x 6 225 2 x 6 265 2 x 5 w/ belt 275 2 x 5 w/ belt 225 x 8 Deadlift– rack 315 x 3 365 6 x 3 couldn’t go any heavier because no chalk, and I refuse to pull with Read More »

Competition (World Championship AWPC 2014)

my first competition in a single-layer gear and my first competition of this magnitude… I loved the decor in the competition. the only drawback was the warm-up and lack of dressing room 😀 a warm-up: because in my gym no monolift, here I had to get used to it.. I took a turn, came to Read More »


raw bench!

warm up Bench– alternating wide/medium grips bar 95 2 x 8 135 2 x 8 155 2 x 8 165 2 x 6 175 2 x 5 assistants Jerks bar 30kg x 5 40kg x 5 50 kg 2 x 5 lateral raises 3 x 10 over head DB press 3 x 12 one arm Read More »


First week back! Squat

warm up Squat- raw bar 135 2 x 8 175 2 x 8 225 2 x 6 255 2 x 6 w/ a belt sumo stance 135 x 8 Deadlift- conventional 135 x 5 225 x 5 315 3 x 5 RDLs 40lb DB 3 x 8 lunges 45lb bar 2 x 20yds split squats Read More »


2014 Westside Pro Invitational write up

  All I can say is wow. Saturday, August 16th, was the best meet performance I’ve ever had. I squatted 600lbs, benched 325lbs, deadlifted 480lbs and totaled 1405lbs. ALL PRs AND A PR ON THE TOTAL. My 600lb squat moved me up to the #12 spot on the All Time Rankings for the 181 class. Read More »

Julia Vins Bench Press

Bench press

Bench press 20 kg*12 30 kg*5 40 kg*5 50 kg*5 60 kg*3 70 kg*2 75 kg*1 80 kg*1 gear 95 kg*1 on board 8 cm 95 kg*1 on board 3 cm 95 kg*1 100 kg*1 105 kg*1 with a pause