Deadlift Julia Vins

Terrible training :D squats and deadlift

Today I trained alone, without a coach. it was the worst training in my life 😀

I first decided to do a squat:

20 kg*12
40 kg*5
70 kg*3
85 kg* 2
105 kg*2
110 kg*2*2sets

and suddenly realized that I could not reel knee wrap 😀

this was a huge problem, so I decided to do deadlift:

50 kg*3
80 kg*3
110 kg*2
140 kg*1

I was able to wear a suit yourself. in the gym there was nobody

150 kg*1

made one attempt, and realized that I can not take it off!!!!! 15 minutes of torture and attempts to pull the straps have been in vain I decided to be patient and put a little more weight.
and suddenly realized that Hand Chalk remained in the bag coach!

because I’m too much thought about it, the bar slipped out of my hands

160 kg*0

I decided that I need to take Lifting straps

160 kg*1

all this time I did not remove overalls (strap it very tightly hemmed),  began to rise blood pressure, but the coach did not come 😀

170 kg*0

I fell short of the post to the knees, because of my mistakes could not straighten up 🙁

I sat in overalls another half hour coach came and saved me 😀

he said, I did not fulfill the plan, and now we need to do a squat :

50 kg*3
80 kg*2
110 kg*3
140 kg*3
155 kg* 2

on the last attempt, I began to lose consciousness and could not keep the bar, the training was completed 🙁