Tag Archives: Benchpress

High speed bench press Julia Vins

High-speed bench press

High-speed bench press 20 kg*12 20 kg+30 kg bands*3 30 kg+30 kg bands*3 40 kg+30 kg bansd*3 45 kg+30kg bands*3*9 sets dumbbell bench press 20 kg*15 24 kg*14 24 kg*18 24 kg*12 lifting barbell in the slope 20 kg*8 45 kg*12 55 kg*12*2 sets

bench press Julia Vins

Bench press with reverse bands (at the bottom minus 30 kg ,at the top of minus 0 kg)

Bench press RAW 20 kg*5 40 kg*12 50 kg*8 60 kg*3 80 kg*3 90 kg*3 90 kg*2 100 kg*2 110 kg*1 gear 110 kg*2 on board 8 cm and on board 3 cm 120 kg*1 on board 3 cm 130 kg*1 140 kg*1 training biceps training triceps (a slow muscle fibers) training shoulders

High speed bench press Julia Vins

High-speed bench press

High-speed bench press 20 kg*10 30 kg+30 kg bands *3 40 kg+30 kg bands*3 45 kg+30 kg bands*3*9 sets triceps extension 12 reps*7 sets swings 10 kg*15*6 sets lifting dumbbells in the slope 20kg*10*3sets lifting barbell in the slope 60 kg*8*3 sets biceps curl 30 Kg*15*5 sets

bench press Julia Vins

Bench press

Bench press RAW 20 kg*12 40 kg*5 60 kg*3 68 kg*2*2 79 kg*1*3 sets on board 8 cm: 85 kg*1 90 kg*1 96 kg*1 102 kg*1 Gear 100 kg*1 on board 3 cm: 110 kg*1 112,5 kg*1 115 kg *1 *2

Competition (World Championship AWPC 2014)

my first competition in a single-layer gear and my first competition of this magnitude… I loved the decor in the competition. the only drawback was the warm-up and lack of dressing room 😀 a warm-up: because in my gym no monolift, here I had to get used to it.. I took a turn, came to Read More »

Julia Vins Bench Press

Bench press

Bench press 20 kg*12 30 kg*5 40 kg*5 50 kg*5 60 kg*3 70 kg*2 75 kg*1 80 kg*1 gear 95 kg*1 on board 8 cm 95 kg*1 on board 3 cm 95 kg*1 100 kg*1 105 kg*1 with a pause

High speed bench press Julia Vins

High-speed bench press

High-speed bench press 20 kg*12 20 kg+16kg bands*3 20 kg+40 kg bands*3 35 kg+40 kg bands*3*9sets straightening arms with bands training of the pectoral muscles training back

Julia Vins Bench Press

Bench press

Bench press RAW 20 kg*12*2 30 kg*5 40 kg*5 60 kg*3 with a pause on board 3 cm 67,5 kg 72,5 kg*2 with a pause 83 kg*2 87,5 kg*1 90 kg*1 gear 90 kg*2 on board 8 cm 95 kg*1 on board 3 cm 95 kg*1 with a pause 100 kg*1 with a pause*2 sets Read More »

Julia Vins Bench Press

Bench press

Bench press RAW 20 kg*12 30 kg*8*2 40 kg*5 50 kg*5 62,5 kg*2*2 with a pause 72.5 kg*1*2 with a pause 80 kg *1 on board 3 cm 90 kg*1 on board 3 cm gear 95*1*3 110*1 on board 3 cm 117.5 on board 3 cm