
Equipped bench!

warm up

reverse hyper



bar x 4

95 x 5

135 x 4

185 x 2

225 (slingshot) x 2

shirt –>

3 board- 225 + 2 chains x 2

2 board- 275 + 2 chains x 2

315 + 2 chains x 2

1 board- 315 +2 chains (80lb chains) 3 x 2


close grip press 3 x 12

pec fly’s 3 x 10

tricep extension 2 x 10

bicep curls 3 x 20

roman chain sit ups 2 x 20

The shirt felt so good tonight, I’m excited to see how much I can bring to my chest in straight weight! 🙂


conditioning: 30 mins elliptical

30sec ON

1min OFF