Archive by Author

WPC Worlds..

I have had bad luck in past year.. I can not come to WPC Worlds in Latvia.. My leg was operated again in last friday.. It was a big operation, surgery lasted seven hours.. All is well now and feeling is good, but I need to rest.. I hope that everything goes well now, so Read More »


Bench, narrow grip 3*10 / 5*5Military press machine 1*20Tricep 1*20Pull down machine 1*20Chest supported row 1*20Lat pulls straight bar 1*20Peck deck 1*20Rear delt 1*20Biceps 1*20

Back to gym..

Bench, medium grip 3*10 / 5*5Military press machine 3*10Tricep/chest press machine 3*10Pull ups 3*5Pull down machine 2*10Chest supported row 1*10Lat pulls straight bar 1*10Rear delt 1*10Biceps 9*10 Feeling is good.. 😉

Military press, chest press, etc..

Military press with chains 5*10 / 5*5 Chest press with chains 5*10Pull ups 3*5Pull down machine 2*10Chest supported row 1*10Lat pulls straight bar 1*10Rear delt 1*10Tricep machine 1*10Biceps 3*10