
Annnnnddd… I’m back!



Well, its been a rough couple weeks. Since that last meet I had in March, I have been absolutely swamped with work, school, final graduating things, training, I did a meet in April (Women’s Pro Am) AND trying to sort life out for next year. Still haven’t gotten to that last one šŸ˜‰

Training has been frustrating in that I’m beginning to think that I need to focus only on one competition setting, that is, raw or equipped. The problem is, I have goals in both, and therefore want to train both in the same week, but I am not sure that would be the optimal way to get stronger. ALSO competing either conventional or sumo is another decision. Maybe I will go back to pulling conventionally in my suit, just try to get it to fit a little better and maybe lose some fat on my thighs so the lockout is better šŸ˜‰ SO MANY THINGS. So forgive me if training is all over the place, I am just trying to find what feels right. šŸ™‚

Monday’s Training

wide stance box squat (raw) 115 x 5, 135 3 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 2 x 2

pause squat raw stance 235 3 x 5; 185 x10

chair deadlift 4 x 4 (stand up on last rep)

rack pulls conventionalĀ worked up to 515 x 1

single leg RDLs 3 x 20

GHR 3 x 20

laying leg raises 2 x 20

kneeling abs 2 x 20

** stretching ** Ā hold split position 30sec. (middle, side, side,) x 2

***rolling*** all the places.

Messing around also with my new METAL single ply briefs… so far so amazing šŸ˜€