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Squat training- 5 weeks out from westside pro!

Warm up

Squat– briefs (chains 120-140lbs)

bar, 135 x 5

225 + 3 chains ea. side  x 3

275 + 3 chains ea. side  3 x 2

315 + 3 chains ea. side 3 x 2

335 + 3 chains ea. side x 2

355 + 3 chains ea. side x 2

375 + 3 chains ea. side x 1

Deadlift– rev band; single ply Metal sumo suit, straps down

425 x 2

475 x 1

515 x 1

565 2 x 1

605 2 x 1


Raw squat w/ 135 sumo stance 3 x 5

Single leg RDL 3 x 8 35s, 40s

step ups 2 x 10

box jumps 3 x 5

warm down



Running: sprints 800yd x 4; 75yd incline sprints x 3

Squats did not feel good tonight, form was off. Strength was absolutely there, I just think my hips were a little tight making it hard to open my knees. Deadlifts felt awesome! My briefs didn’t quite cut it last week so I put on my brothers old single ply sumo suit and even though it was incredibly loose, it still felt better than just briefs! (with straps down)… Next week I’ll be squatting in my briefs and suit with straps down so hopefully I can get my form back to a powerful level by then! 🙂