
Deadlift training!

warm up

Speed Squat– briefs

225 x 3

315 x 3

365  2 x 2

405 2 x 2

425 x 1

Deadlift- off blocks; in briefs

315 3 x 3

365 2 x 2

385 2 x 2

405 3 x 1

Deadlift– from floor; in briefs

365 2 x 2

385 2 x 1

405 3 x 1

deficit deadlifts (conventional; raw) 2 in.

225 x 5

275 2 x 5

315 2 x 5


bent over rows (arched) 3 x 10

behind neck pull down 3 x 10


hanging leg raises

roll outs

Warm down

box jumps


Then I went for a nice 4 mile run in the evening because it was much needed 😀 I have to stretch more and work more on my recovery, because that’s just as important as time in the gym!