Light stand-up and recovery work



60 minutes of stand-up, kicking and boxing. 30 minutes of shadow boxing and warm-up

2x3min. pads

3x3x min. sparring.


Felt like shit after over a years layoff from boxing, but fun anhway!




Light pulling muscles and ice bath

10minutes warm-up

20 sets of back and biceps exercises with moderate loads


2x1min. dip in ice bath and some sauna


Havent been sleeping well lately… It is affecting my recovery. Such a hurry with work, theatre, training and other matters that it gets you excited an makes it hard to sleep…


On a lghter note I promised to post a video from my set of narrow grip bench, 15x75kg. It was actually 77kg I heard later but here it is 🙂

If that doesnt sound worth a watch I still suggest you take a look 😉