Archive by Author

Chest and arms..

Incline bench with dumbbell 3*10Incline bench, narrow grip 10*5*135-225lbsBench with dumbbell 3*10Incline bench with dumbbell 3*10Deckline bench with dumbbell 3*10Pec deck 10*10Dip machine 10*10Biceps curl with barbell 5*10Triceps extension 5*10Biceps curl machine 5*10Triceps exercises with bands 5*10Biceps curl with dumbbell 5*10


Romanian deadlift 5*135lbs / 5*225lbs / 3*5*315lbs Pull down machine 5*10 Pull ups 3*10 Chest supported row 1*10 Rear delt 1*10 Lat pulls behind to neck 1*10 Lat pulls straight bar 1*10 Biceps curl with barbell 10*6 Triceps extension 10*6 Biceps curl machine 5*10 Triceps exercises 5*10

Chest / Arms

Bench with dumbbell 3*10Bench, narrow grip 10*5*135-225lbsIncline bench with dumbbell 3*10Bench with dumbbell 3*10Pec deck 10*10Dip machine 5*5Biceps curl machine 5*10Triceps extension 10*10Biceps curl with barbell 5*10

Chest / Arms

Incline bench with dumbbell 3*10Incline bench, narrow grip 10*5*135-225lbsBench with dumbbell 3*10Incline bench with dumbbell 3*10Pec deck 10*10Biceps curl machine 5*10Triceps extension 5*10Biceps curl with dumbbell 5*10Dip machine 5*10

Back and arms..

Romanian deadlift5*135lbs / 5*225lbs / 5*315lbs / 5*405lbs / 5*495lbsPull down machine 5*10Pull ups 3*10Chest supported row 1*10Lat pulls behind to neck 1*10Lat pulls straight bar 1*10Biceps curl machine 5*10Triceps extension 5*10Biceps curl with dumbbell 5*10Triceps exercises with bands 5*10

Chest / Arms

Bench with dumbbell 3*10Incline bench with dumbbell 3*10Bench, Wide grip 6*5*135lbs / 5*185lbs / 5*225lbs / 4*4*245-275lbs / 10*225lbsIncline bench with dumbbell 3*10Bench with dumbbell 3*10Pec deck 10*10Biceps curl machine 5*10Triceps extension 5*10Biceps curl with dumbbell 5*10Triceps exercises with bands 5*10

Light deadlift..

Squat 3*5*135lbs / 5*225lbs / 5*315lbsDeadlift 5*135lbs / 5*225lbs / 5*315lbs / 5*405lbs / 5*495lbs / 2*2*515Leg press 1*50Leg extension 1*50Calf raises 3*20Crunch 2*20Side rotations 2*20