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training in the pool..

About one week ago.. I had hard training in the pool.. running, jumping and walking.. it was too hard for my knee.. so, after that the knee was warm and swollen.. ice, rest and training only bench.. now, knee is better, so I start squat and deadlift training again soon..

Speed bench..

Speed bench.. +40 kilos chains..warm-up + 9*3*48-68 Military press machine 3*10Tricep/chest press machine 3*10Pull ups 3*5Pull down machine2*10Chest supported row 1*10Lat pulls straight bar 1*10Rear delt 1*10Biceps 6*10

light squat, etc..

Squat3*5*60 / 5*100 / 5*120 Deadlift “gorilla style” 5*60 / 5*100 / 5*140 / 1*180 / 1*200 / 1*210 / 1*220 / 1*230 Leg extension 5*5Calf raise 5*5Pull down abs 1*20

Squat and deadlift..

Squat3*5*60 / 5*100 / 5*140 / 1*150 / 1*160 / 1*170 Romanian deadlift5*60 / 5*100 / 5*140 / 5*160 / 5*170 Leg press 5*10Pull down abs one leg front 2*20Crunch 2*20Side crunch 2*20Side rotations 2*20

In the evening – Full gear bench..

Bench with METAL JACK shirt..warm-up 7*10-5*28-108 + 20 kilos chains5*128 + 20 kilos chains, no touch3*148 + 20 kilos chains, no touch2*168 + 20 kilos chains, no touch1*188 + 20 kilos chains, no touch1*208 + 20 kilos chains, touch5*178 + 20 kilos chains, no touch Military press machine 3*10Tricep/chest press machine 3*10Pull ups 3*5Pull down machine2*10Chest Read More »

In the morning..

new week.. same tricks..Squat3*5*60 / 5*100 / 5*120 Deadlift “gorilla style” 5*60 / 5*100 / 5*140 / 1*180 / 1*190 / 1*200 / 1*210 / 1*220 Leg extension 5*5Calf raise 5*5Pull down abs 1*20 In the evening.. bench with shirt..

squat and deadlift again..

Light squat3*5*60 / 5*80 / 5*100 Light deadlift “gorilla style” 5*60 / 5*100 / 5*140 / 1*180 / 1*200 / 1*220 / 1*230 / 1*240 Leg extension 5*5Calf raise 5*5Pull down abs 1*20 We organize small powerlifting competition in METAL Gym tomorrow..

In the evening – Speed bench..

Speed bench.. +60 kilos chains..warm-up + 9*3*48-68 Kettlebell military press 6*10Tricep/chest press machine 3*10Pull ups 3*5Pull down machine2*10Chest supported row 1*10Lat pulls straight bar 1*10Rear delt 1*10Biceps 11*10

In the morning..

Light squat3*5*60 / 5*80 / 5*100 Light deadlift “gorilla style” 5*60 / 5*100 / 5*140 / 1*180 / 1*200 / 1*210 / 1*220 / 1*230 Leg extension 5*5Calf raise 5*5Pull down abs 1*20