
BPU Qualifier

So, since I decided to compete this past weekend, it actually turned out pretty well!

I weighed in at 86kg (no water cut since I only decided to do it 4 days before) so 90kg class it was. I entered in the equipped bench only and raw deadlift only. I really wasn’t confident in my raw deadlift because I haven’t trained it in a lonnnng time. I opened with 195kg and got my second attempt of 205kg which is disappointing considering my PR is 220kg… But since I haven’t trained it, I guess I’m satisfied with it.

The bench was a different story, as of a couple weeks ago when I started training again, I had great sessions in my shirt so I was stoked for this meet. THEN literally, the session after I decided to do the meet, I wanted to hit my opener which was a planned 150kg and… I COULDN’T TOUCH. That had never happened to me before! I was nervous after that… then come meet day, it was a little touch to get to my chest, but I managed all 3 of my attempts rather smoothly. 150kg, 162.5kg, and 167.5kg for a PR. I was ecstatic 🙂


Thanks to everyone who helped me that day, everyone worked together and acted as one big team, and the atmosphere was so welcoming! I had a great experience with the BPU, truly a federation FOR lifters.

And of course, a HUGE thanks to Ano and Minna, the best sponsors out there, who provide me with all the equipment necessary and the ever popular badass t-shirts that say ‘Viking Power’ on them. 🙂


Until next time!