
Bench Day at Bulks!

First day back to training as usual! I had my brother’s wedding over the weekend so I was off keto for a bit, but now back on it full force.


RAW Bench (closER grip)

bar 2 x 6

40kg 2 x 8

60kg x 4

70kg 2 x 4

75kg 2 x 4

80kg 2 x 4

sling shot–>

100kg 2 x 5

110kg x 3


DB flys 3 x 12

full tricep extensions 3 x 10

tricep pushdowns (rope)  3 x 18

wide grip lat pulldown 3 x 10

straight arm lat pulldown 3 x 15

seated overhead DB press 3 x 8

overhead BB press 3 x 12

bicep curls 2 x 12 SS lateral raises 2 x 10


Conditioning: walking 45 minutes