3 weeks of training 1x a week…


Yep, you read it right. This past month has been full of me taking advantage of opportunities and working many hours at my job and for the first time ever, powerlifting was put on the back burner.

That being said, I tried my best to powerlift on saturdays, and complete all 3 movements in one day.


bike 5 min

hip/quad stretches 5 min


bar 2 x 6

60kg 2 x 6

85kg x 6

102kg x 6

125 x 4–> sleeves

136kg//300lbs 5 x 3 belt and sleeves


bar x 6

43kg 2 x 8

60kg 2 x 6

70kg 2 x 4

75kg 2 x 4

80kg 2 x 4


single leg RDL 3 x 10ea.


bicep curls 2 x 20ea. SS lateral raises 2 x 15

reverse pec dec 2 x 25 SS side leans 2 x 20ea.


96 minutes of walking (while working at treadmill desk) 🙂

The REAL training will begin again the week of November 17th, when I will be spending some months in the UK and training at Bulks in Gravesend. 2-a-days will be to come followed by updates on diet and how that affects training as well!


until next time