Training 6.1. and 7.1.

On saturday night I attended a birthday party in Helsinki, and after a late night,  sunday was just a recovery day. Most of the people attending were fitness-oriented, but still some of us (including me) were a bit tipsy at late night! Here is a picture of me taken with Snow White (Lumikki in Finnish). So, if I need to point it out, masquerade was the theme 🙂


synttärikallenataMonday it was back to training, but this week i will be going pretty light on most weight sessions.


6.1. Light legs

Warm-up 15 minutes

power snatch+Overhead squat 4×3+3+20-50kg

Front squat 5x5x60-100kg

leg curl with a ball, bulgarian split squat and hip thrust with back elevated, all three done 1 leg at a time, 30 reps each leg and each movement, done as a circuit

Some stretcing with a bar, romanians and overhead squats and the like



Light pushing

10 minutes of warm-up, then 15 minutes of constant work, like a power-endurance cirv´cuit, no rest between anything more than needed to change exercise, alla exercises mixed, done pretty randomly, but this is what I managed to do in 15 minutes:

Speed incline bench 5x5x95kg

Rear delt laterals 4x10x21kg, 2x20x10kg

Standing press alternating,, with kettlebells 3×15 per hand with 12-20kg bells

Face-pull 2x20x35kg

Triceps with a rope 2x20x35

Pullover 1×20

push-ups 1×20

Side laterals with straight arms  2x20x8kg


30 minutes after that, I went to BJJ:

BJJ training, 90 minutes

Warm-up and drills 35 minutes

6×5 min. sparring

At the end, tabata circuit with push-ups! I was already wasted after my own circuits, so of course our instructor, mr. Sibakov decided today was good for push-up tabata.

I managed it, every other 20 seconds we did push-ups, and other 20 seconds some variation that I dont know what to call in English or in Finnish 🙂


I was thrashed, but it felt good.


Light stretching 30 minutes, and I am off to bed. Good night!