1 set back = a heck of a comeback

It took 12 years but it’s happened. I sprained my SI and have a slight possibility of a disc herniation. Everything around my sacrum already is pretty stiff due to the sacrilization (Sacrum fusing with L5), which carries over to poor hip and spinal mobility. X-rays show it maybe be a long recovery but things Read More »

Arnold Classic / ProRaw8 – WPC SM 2016

Hellou.! Arnold classic takana ProRaw8  olihan se reissu.! Matka meni hyvin ja vaikka olikin pitkä ja paikanpäältä löytyi nopeasti ruokapaikat yms.. Olin Australiassa Maanantaina aamulla n.7 aikaan, kisat alkoivat Lauantaina. 2 Treeniä kerkesin ottamaan lennon jälkeen, mutta kroppa oli ilmeisesti väsynyt ja ukko löysä kuin makarooni.! Hiukan alkoi tuntumaan että kroppa alkaa vastaamaan treeniin mutta Read More »

Turku’s Strongest Man competition.

Hello everyone. My first competition for this year was on 26th of march. It was the first competition in a series of 4 within finland , also known as ” Finlands strongman cup”. At the end of each of these the best finnish competitor gets an invitation to compete in august at Finnish open competition Read More »

ME squat: suit only

At Genesis gym in London warm up: bike 5 mins; ab exercises Squat bar 2 x 5 65kg x 3 briefs–> 105kg x 3 125kg x 3 145kg x 1 165kg x 1 185kg x 1 suit (straps down)–> 205kg x 1 225kg x 1 (straps up)–> 245kg x 1 knees wrapped 265kg x 1 Read More »

Upper body Special exercises

warm up: 5 mins bike incline press w/ hanging chains 5 x 20 shrug machine 4 x 20 reverse pec dec 3 x 30 alternating bicep curls DB 3 x 30 banded tricep pushdowns 3 x 50 Abs: leg raises 3 x 20   DB leans 3 x 24ea.  

18days out! Arnold Classic ProRaweight.!

Hello. Päivät ne vierii nopeaa ja kisat eikun lähestyy.! Kovat treenit ovat takana ja viimeistelyt aloiteltu.! Kroppa tuntuu ihan hyvältä, ei loukkaantumisia.!!, pientä käsivarsi kipua on, mutta se on hoidossa.. Vatsa hiukan oireilee mutta enköhän siitäkin selviä.! Treenit ovat menneet hyvin ja uusia PR rautoja ollaan liikuteltu. Kyykyssä päästiin 380kg rautoihin, penkissä 240/250 rautoja punnitsemaan.. Read More »

2016 APF Florida State Championship

I just finished the 2016 APF Florida State Championship in Orlando, FL.  I competed in this meet last year.  That was my first ever meet.  Hard to believe it has been a year.  I have learned so much this year and have met so many great people.  I came into this meet with the same Read More »

Equipped squat training

Equipped squats bar 2 x 4  65kg 2 x 3   briefs–> 105kg +30kg chain x 3 belt&sleeves–> 125kg+30kg x 3  145kg+30kg x 1 165kg+30kg x 1  suit(straps down)–> 185kg+30kg x 1 195kg+30kg 2×1  205kg+30kg 2×1 215kg+30kg chain x 1 Assistants conventional dimmel deadlifts 3 x 20 eq. stance hanging KB squat 4 x 20 GHR 3 Read More »

Raw Squat

Squat bar 2 x 5  65kg 2 x 5  85kg x 5  105 x 4 belt–> 125kg x 3  135kg 3 x 3  wraps–> 145kg x 2  155kg x 2  165kg 2 x 1 Deadlift (con.) off high blocks 100kg x 4  140kg x 4  160kg x 3 180kg 2 x 3  190kg 2 x Read More »