Bench Day 4/14/15

Tonight was bench day.  We did something I have never done and loved it.  We did reverse band bench with light bands.  Toby said it will help me with my lock out.  Here is what we did:

1. Reverse band bench  75 pounds/3 reps    85 pounds/3 reps     95 pounds/ 4 single reps    70 pounds/ 10 reps

2. Close Grip Bench  4×8

3. DB Overhead Press 4×10

4. JM Press 4×8

5. Band Pushdown  4×15

6. Push-Up 4×10

7. Band Pull-Aparts 4×20

8.  Around the World Shoulder Work 3×12

9. Ab wheel 4×10

The video shows me on my last set with 95 on bench.  IMG_0314